MBA Renewables
5 Semesters
Antragsfrist beantragen
Oct 2025
EUR 19.800 *
Vermischt, Fernunterricht
* Examination fees included
MBA Renewables is the first and only distance learning MBA programme focusing on renewable energy and energy efficiency. The international study programme has been jointly offered by Berlin University of Applied Sciences and Technology and the Renewables Academy (RENAC) since 2011.
The MBA Renewables combines economic, technical, legal, political and organisational knowledge tailored to the renewable energy and energy efficiency industries. Thanks to the holistic approach, students gain an overview of and understand:
- various RE technologies and their applications and advantages
- international energy policies
- support mechanisms for green energy technologies
- how to use these technologies profitably in industry
MBA Renewables is designed for 2.5 years of part-time study, including the Master's thesis. Upon finalisation, students will develop the necessary advanced interdisciplinary skills to hold executive positions in the highly globalised market of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies.
For further information, please visit http://www.mba-renewables.de
MBA Renewables has been awarded the German Accreditation Council Quality Seal and is accredited by ACQUIN.
Who is behind MBA Renewables?
Berlin University of Applied Sciences and Technology is a state-owned university that offers over 70 accredited degree programmes in engineering, sciences and business administration. It counts with more than 30 years of recognised experience in conducting Distance Learning programmes.
RENAC, a globally operating expert for renewable energy and energy efficiency, serves as a bridge between students and the industry. The academy has an extensive network of contacts through years of cooperation with the renewable energy and energy efficiency industry.
Programmstruktur und Inhalt
- Technologien - Systeme und Anwendungen (erneuerbare Energien, Energieeffizienz
- Recht und Energiepolitik
- Management- und Führungsfähigkeiten
- Marketing und Projektmanagement
- Buchhaltung und Finanzierung
Ideale Studenten
Für wen ist das?
MBA Renewables wurde für Fachleute entwickelt, die eine Führungsposition in den Branchen Erneuerbare Energien und Energieeffizienz anstreben. Sowohl Teilnehmer mit technischem Hintergrund als auch Nicht-Techniker verbessern ihre Karrierechancen.
Hervorragende Karriereaussichten
Mögliche Karrierepfade entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette:
- Produktion von Komponenten
- Projektentwicklung, Implementierung, Betrieb und Wartung
- Projektfinanzierung
- Beratung
- Regierungs-/Nichtregierungsorganisationen
- Energieversorger, Netzbetreiber, Regulierungsbehörden