Vatel Rwanda
Studenten von Vatel in Ruanda erhalten einen angesehenen, international anerkannten Abschluss, der ihnen eine Vielzahl spannender Karrieremöglichkeiten in der internationalen Hotellerie in Afrika, Asien, Amerika und Europa bietet. Der innovative Ansatz von Vatel vermittelt ihnen das Wissen und die Fähigkeiten, nach Abschluss ihres Studiums in hochrangigen Funktionen zu arbeiten, indem sie während der gesamten Dauer des dreijährigen Studiengangs praktische Übungen und Praktika anbieten.
Students of Vatel in Rwanda will graduate with a prestigious internationally recognized degree providing them with a wide array of exciting career opportunities in the international hospitality industry across Africa, Asia, America, and Europe. Vatel’s innovative approach equips them with the knowledge and skills to perform in high-level roles upon completion of their studies by providing practical training exercises and industrial placements throughout the duration of the three-year degree program.
Study in Kigali, Rwanda
Rwanda is located at the heart of the East and Central African region. Due to the country's progressive governance and business-friendly investment climate Rwanda has registered tremendous progress over the past 20 years. Rwanda today is ranked among the top ten fastest-growing economies in the world.
The capital Kigali is considered as one of the most beautiful cities in Africa. Set amidst gently rolling hills, with manicured lawns and immaculate, palm tree-lined avenues, Kigali also enjoys a reputation for being amongst the cleanest and greenest cities in the world.
This young and dynamic city is rapidly becoming a hub for business travelers, hosting major conferences, conventions and exhibitions. It also caters to high-end eco-tourism travelers who arrive in the city before connecting to the national parks in other parts of the country.
Kigali has a large student population and is an ideal place to live and study with its clean, safe and orderly environment.
Rwanda is an attractive eco-tourism destination and is ranked the third greenest country in the world by the World Travel Guide. The country’s rich biodiversity includes majestic mountain gorillas in the north, mighty lions, stately elephants and graceful giraffe in the east, Africa’s oldest rainforests and panoramic tea plantations in the south as well as picturesque shores along the beautiful turquoise waters of Lake Kivu in the west.
Vater, A Global Network of Hospitality Management Schools and Alumni
Vatel has 50 hospitality management schools located in Europe, in the Americas, in Asia, and in Africa. They share the same mission: preparing the younger generations to build their professional futures in the international hospitality and tourism management industries.
Vatel has decided to:
- Teach management techniques based on two centuries of history in the hospitality industry, based on high-quality services and customer satisfaction. This includes all cultural aspects of clients, from the country where the hotel is located to the personnel working in it.
- Convey the French art of hospitality, recognized all throughout the world as a sign of quality, good taste, and excellence.
- Teach French in all non-French speaking countries where our Group operates.
We now have 35,000 alumni who are working throughout the world and who are proud to call themselves Vateliens and to work in the most beautiful hotels on earth.
Vatel goes international
At the beginning of the 21st century, 20 years after the first Vatel school opened in France, all international development factors were ready to go: our educational concept, based on the progressive and controlled mixture of theory and professional experience, has been proved; it is sustainable and ready to be rolled out abroad. Since that time, new campuses have opened in Europe, Asia, the Americas, and Africa.
Located on four continents, the network of Vatel schools makes up the 1st Worldwide Business School Group in Hospitality and Tourism Management, elected by professionals as the Best Hospitality Management School.
The Vatel Spirit, life-long values
Vatel’s success is based on five pillars. All over the world, our faculty members have learned to:
- have deep ties with their students.
- create dynamic learning conditions.
- convey their know-how and knowledge.
- introduce the concept of proper conduct in all situations.
- have close relationships with professionals working in hotel and tourism management positions.
Vatel Group’s teaching teams are made up equally of professors from universities and professionals who have made a name for themselves in their fields.
- Kigali City
KN 29 Street,16, , Kigali City